Archives for Jump Start Your Goals

How to Stay Happy on the Path from “Go” to Goal

The person who makes a success of living is the one who sees his goal steadily and aims for it unswervingly. That is dedication. ~ Cecil B. DeMille ~ I love to travel. Seeing new places and meeting people from a variety of backgrounds and cultures is one of my favorite things to do. At the same time, I’d like to skip the whole anxiety-ridden hassle of getting there. There’s More to Goal Setting than “Getting There” Sometimes it’s hard to remember that getting there – whether it’s a travel destination or achieving a worthy goal – is a necessary
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Categories: Blog, Goals, Home Page Recent Posts, and Jump Start Your Goals.

How to Make Your Goals More Important than Fear

Courage is not the absence of fear, but rather the judgement that something else is more important than fear. ~ Ambrose Redmoon ~ Courage is an interesting phenomenon. I’ve been thinking a lot about what it is and what triggers it. One kind of courage is triggered on the spur of the moment when facing life or death circumstances. Most of us hope we never have to face such circumstances. And I believe our hope is that if we do come up against them, we will muster up whatever it takes to do the brave thing. But we won’t know
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Categories: Blog, Goals, Home Page Recent Posts, and Jump Start Your Goals.

Living a Full Life is a Discovery Process!

“After all these years, I am still involved in the process of self-discovery. It’s better to explore life and make mistakes than to play it safe. Mistakes are part of the dues one pays for a full life.”   ~ Sophia Loren How does one begin the discovery process for creating a full life – whether that means… Leaving a job that drains you to create a career that inspires you? Finding your life partner? Buying the home you always wanted? Creating health and vitality? Doing rather than dreaming the experiences you’ve put on your bucket list? I believe the most important first
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Categories: Blog, Career Transition, Escaping the Rat Race, Home Page Recent Posts, and Jump Start Your Goals.

Jump Start Your Goals – Step 5 – Let the Wind Take You!

The jump is so frightening between where I am and where I want to be…because of all I may become I will close my eyes and leap!    ~Mary Anne Radmacher The best part about going after a big juicy goal lies in what you learn about who you are and how capable you are beyond what you think. My friend Karen reminded me of this during a conversation we had about my achieving my Big Juicy Goal. She has known me since the days when I was still afraid to be me and she was there to support me the
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Categories: Blog, Career Transition, Encore Career, Home Page Recent Posts, and Jump Start Your Goals.

Jump Start Your Goals – Step 4 – Be Committed

If you want to take your mission in life to the Next Level, look inside. Abolish your fears and raise your commitment level to the point of no return, and I guarantee you that the champion within will propel you toward victory. — Olympic Decathlon Gold Medalist       ~Bruce Jenner Jump starting my own big, juicy goal this year and completing it taught me something about commitment that shifted my relationship to it from being conceptual to having an amazing experience of it at a WAY higher level.  The Bruce Jenner quote included here captures my experience perfectly. When committing to
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Categories: Blog, Home Page Recent Posts, Jump Start Your Goals, and Life Purpose.

Jump Start Your Goals – Step 3 – Let Friends Help!

I cannot even imagine where I would be today were it not for that handful of friends who have given me a heart full of joy. Let’s face it, friends make life a lot more fun. – Charles R. Swindoll Do you have close-to-your-heart dreams that you’ve been afraid to share because they seem impossible to achieve? Dreams that make life the most exciting are the ones that are too big to accomplish on your own. I believe that’s why most of our most treasured dreams stay locked up in the closets of our hearts. Taking them out and confronting their size is scary. There is
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Categories: Blog, Home Page Recent Posts, and Jump Start Your Goals.

Jump Start Your Goals – Step 2 – Take Action!

The future depends on what you do today. ― Mahatma Gandhi It’s interesting to notice what happens naturally once you set an Inspired Intention, whether it’s to create a career you are passionate about, a loving relationship, a prosperous lifestyle or anything else that you really want. Pictures start to form in your mind about what that would look like – you start to experience in your body what it would FEEL like to actualize your Inspired Intention. Allowing yourself to FEEL your Inspired Intention becoming actualized and seeing the pictures causes your brain to go to work on creating possible actions
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Categories: Blog, Home Page Recent Posts, and Jump Start Your Goals.

Jump Start Your Goals – Step 1 – Set Inspired Intentions

Although actions may speak louder than words, it is our intentions that reveal our soul. ~ Hal Elrod How often do you create a goal by “should-ing” all over yourself? I don’t know about you, but it seems to me that goals crafted from “shoulds” don’t feel very inspiring. I invite you to think back over the goals you’ve created for your business or your life this year. How have you done so far in accomplishing them? You might find yourself in one of these places: Your goal is complete Your goal is in progress You’ve given up on your goal or
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Categories: Blog, Home Page Recent Posts, and Jump Start Your Goals.

Ask Power Questions to Jump Start Your Year!

To be on a quest is nothing more or less than to become an asker of questions ~Sam Keen I’ve developed a habit you might think is weird. Thanks to my coach, I started collecting power questions. I save them into a folder and as I’m creating my vision for the year, I pull them out and use them to reflect on the past year, where I am in my life right now, and how to get a jump start on what I want to create for the future.  It’s making a HUGE difference in how I approach my life
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Categories: Blog, Escaping the Rat Race, Home Page Recent Posts, and Jump Start Your Goals.

How to Make Your New Year “Trippy”

Just when Christmas is over and all you want to do is kick back and relax, how many of you are experiencing pressure to create New Year’s Resolutions?  How many of you are resisting the idea altogether? Either way, the process (as we usually go through it) doesn’t seem very appealing or creative, does it? At best, it seems like work and at worst, it seems like a sure path to failure. I don’t know about you, but I’m not interested in deliberately setting myself up to fail. According to Wikipedia, a New Year’s Resolution is “a commitment that an
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Categories: Blog, Escaping the Rat Race, Fresh Start, and Jump Start Your Goals.