Jump Start Your Goals – Step 3 – Let Friends Help!

I cannot even imagine where I would be today were it not for that handful of friends who have given me a heart full of joy. Let’s face it, friends make life a lot more fun. – Charles R. Swindoll

Do you have close-to-your-heart dreams that you’ve been afraid to share because they seem impossible to achieve?

Dreams that make life the most exciting are the ones that are too big to accomplish on your own. I believe that’s why most of our most treasured dreams stay locked up in the closets of our hearts. Taking them out and confronting their size is scary.

There is a way to bring them down to a manageable size. Something magical happens when you take your dreams and Big Juicy Goals out of the closet and share them with people who care about your success. They can help you put things in perspective.

It’s important to share with people who are excited to support you in having your big juicy dreams and goals come true. Even though your dreams may seem huge and overwhelming, at the same time they can also feel very tender. And your most cherished and unripened dreams can be killed off pretty quickly – by the frost of your own limited thinking or by the chill of skeptical opinions and judgments coming from those who mean well but who are operating on a different wavelength.

Who could you invite to join your support team to champion your dreams? Think about trusted friends, a coach, a mastermind group, an accountability buddy or anyone in your world who truly and authentically is rooting for you to accomplish whatever you say matters to you.

Having a support team will move things along more easily and quickly than you can do on your own.  Each person on your team brings different ideas and fresh points of view to help you think bigger and see more clearly than you can on your own.  They can help you see ways to get back on track when you veer off course. They have access to resources that you may not. Most of all, a strong support team can help you stay committed and focused when the going get tough! And they can celebrate with you when your dream or goal is accomplished.

See more about sharing your dreams with a team on the following video:


Need support and encouragement to go after your big, juicy dream? Call Coach Sue at 949-212-4345 or email sue@threesquarescoaching.com to schedule your complimentary exploratory coaching session today!