Jump Start Your Goals – Step 2 – Take Action!

The future depends on what you do today. ― Mahatma Gandhi

It’s interesting to notice what happens naturally once you set an Inspired Intention, whether it’s to create a career you are passionate about, a loving relationship, a prosperous lifestyle or anything else that you really want. Pictures start to form in your mind about what that would look like – you start to experience in your body what it would FEEL like to actualize your Inspired Intention.

Allowing yourself to FEEL your Inspired Intention becoming actualized and seeing the pictures causes your brain to go to work on creating possible actions or activities that align with your unique expression. Write down what actions occurs to you. You’ll notice that some activities or actions have more “juice” for you than do others. Taking action on the juiciest ideas that occur to you can lead to AWESOME and unpredictable results.

We like to call these AWESOME ACTIONS because the unpredictable results are almost always better than anything YOU imagined. Serendipity happens when you take AWESOME ACTIONS that spring from INSPIRED INTENTIONS. As I was writing this post, this quote from The Secret Scrolls serendipitously found its way to me:

 “Be aware of the big difference between inspired action and activity. Activity comes from the brain-mind and is rooted in disbelief and lack of faith – you are taking action to “make” your desire happen. Inspired action is allowing the law to work through you and to move you. Activity feels hard. Inspired action feels wonderful.”

Rhonda Byrne, Creator of The Secret

Watch today’s video for more information about how to begin designing and taking AWESOME ACTIONS:


Ready to take AWESOME ACTION toward creating Inspired Intentions that lead to juicy goals and a juicy life? Call Coach Sue at 949-212-4345 or email sue@threesquarescoaching.com to schedule your complimentary “Get Acquainted” coaching session.