Frequently Asked Questions

If you think about career and life coaching at all, is your first thought that it’s “sexy”? In my experience, most people think of it as hard, daunting, and time-consuming.

But think about one or more of your sexy role models – a successful parent, teacher, colleague, or business owner that you admire and respect. It’s likely that they have, or have had, mentors or coaches.

CEOs, Oscar-winning actors, and Olympic gold medalists will tell you it takes effort to generate “star quality” and staying power. They’ll tell you they couldn’t have done it on their own. Even successful people hire coaches.

Hiring a coach is the best gift you can give yourself if you are genuinely committed to remodeling your life and designing your Sexy Second Act.

According to a survey conducted by the International Coaching Federation, below are the top five reasons successful people hire a coach. Which of these would help you design your Sexy Second Act Career or Life?

  • Time Management – 85%
  • Career / Business Advice – 74%
  • Relationship / Family Guidance – 59%
  • Physical Well Being – 52%
  • Personal Growth / Awareness – 45%

Step 1 – Book your “get acquainted” strategy coaching session

During this session, you and I will have a conversation to determine your dreams and goals, and how we can best work together to help you achieve them. I want to learn about you and your goals so I can present you with the best and most effective options.

Step 2 – Complete a Personal Insights Profile

If you choose to go forward to Step 2, you’ll complete a Personal Insights Profile that includes one or more of the assessments below, depending on your situation. This confidential profile helps me understand the best way to coach you based on your unique style. It often helps my clients to see themselves more clearly and to relax when they see their distinctive ways of operating and being motivated.

After you complete the Personal Insights Profile, we will schedule a session to thoroughly review your results. This is important because when you learn about, or confirm, your natural strengths, you are more likely to act on your goals happily and enthusiastically.

Click on the icons below to view sample reports for each behavior profile.

Step 3
 – Begin a Coaching Program

Now the fun begins as you embark on your journey to design your Sexy Second Act. You and I will schedule regular coaching calls where we confirm your goals, discuss actions, talk about your progress, and celebrate your victories. Click here to learn more.

If you choose individual coaching, I request a minimum of four months to jumpstart you into your Sexy Second Act. After you complete your four-month commitment, we will assess your progress together to determine the next steps.

A successful coaching relationship requires a partnership between client and coach. Successful clients are committed to doing the work to achieve their desired outcomes. Your coach is committed to doing everything they can to assist and support you.

Coaching is for you if you are ready:

  • To dream big
  • To gain clarity about what matters most
  • To design inspired goals that align with what matters to you
  • To commit to achieving your goals and hold yourself accountable
  • To take specific and measurable action and objectively evaluate your results with your coach
  • To dig deep and uncover obstacles getting in the way of achieving your dreams
  • To hone and refine your dreams, and goals into specific actions that make you feel vibrantly alive and sexy!

Your goals and desires are specific to you. After you complete Step 1, cost will be based on what you and I decide together is the appropriate program to get you quickly on the path to designing your Sexy Second Act.

That is one of my favorite questions. A few years ago, I rebranded my company to be more in alignment with what I’m passionate about – helping my clients create a Sexy Second Career and Life that combines Passion, Purpose, and a Paycheck®

That’s three things.

No matter how passionate you are, I understand that you still have to put grub on the table. I found out that the term “three squares” came from British sailors who had a sparse diet in the 18th century. They primarily ate bread and water for the first two meals of the day. In good times, their third meal was meat or fish served on a square platter. So even today, three squares mean three substantial meals.

In a perfect world, A Sexy Second Act paycheck is about the reward and fulfillment of giving back to something you believe in. However, a truly Sexy Second Act feeds a square meal to your Mind, Body, Spirit. Three things.

My playful side thinks yummy things come in threes:

  • Passion, Purpose, and a Paycheck®
  • Mind / Body / Spirit
  • You / Me / Us
  • Breakfast / Lunch / Dinner
  • On Your Mark / Get Set / GO!

You get the idea.

If your questions haven’t been answered here, please email me at

If you are ready to take the next step, book your complimentary coaching session here right now!