Archives for Career Transition

Vision Board Your Way to a New Career or Life!

This time like all times is a very good one if we but know what to do with it. ~ Ralph Waldo Emerson Have you ever created a Vision or Dream Board? If you are in a career transition or considering designing your Encore Career and you don’t know what to do or how to get started, a vision board is an excellent way to begin. When I was let go from my corporate job of many years, I felt completely adrift. I didn’t have a clear vision of what to do with the rest of my life. I was too young to retire
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Categories: Blog, Career Transition, Encore Career, Fresh Start, and Life Purpose.

How Do You Turn Roadblocks into Bridges?

“It’s the constant and determined effort that breaks down all resistance and sweeps away all obstacles.” — Claude M. Bristol Sometimes the notion of designing an Encore Career or pursuing a business opportunity can make you feel pretty hopeless. What you hear on the news these days doesn’t help to encourage bringing a fresh business idea or opportunity to fruition. Feelings of fear and hopelessness can keep you feeling blocked far longer than is necessary. Fear and hopelessness create roadblocks that stand between you and the opportunity to create a whole new exciting and productive Encore Career no matter what your past
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Categories: Blog, Career Transition, Encore Career, and Escaping the Rat Race.

How Do You Know if Your Career is a Good Fit?

“In order that people may be happy in their work, these three things are needed: They must be fit for it: They must not do too much of it: And they must have a sense of success in it.” ~ Jim Ruskin Does your job contain these three elements? If you are in a career transition  – or even if your job is still intact – these questions provide food for thought for helping you evaluate whether you are in a good fit career.    How Do You Know Whether You are in a Good Fit Career? Yes, a good
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Categories: Baby Boomers, Blog, Career Transition, and Encore Career.

Are You Living in Black and White or in Bold, Beautiful Color?

“At the center of Bold Moves are the choices people make every day about how to live their lives – that’s what drives the action.” ~ Cisco Codina A client who has been out of touch for several weeks called me recently. He’s been experiencing a number of trials in his life, one of which is a significant health challenge. He told me he’s been doing some deep soul searching and he needed time on his own to think and reflect. He told me this health challenge is his wake-up call to take stock of where he is in his life and where
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Categories: Blog, Career Transition, and Fresh Start.

Five Steps for Handling Negative Circumstances

“Now that all your worry has proved such an unlucrative business; why not find a better job.” ~ Hafiz Nowadays it seems like a lot of people are telling us that no matter what is going on in our lives, we “should” see it in a positive manner. I don’t agree. Sometimes negative circumstances are just negative circumstances. Resisting “what’s so”, regardless of whether it’s negative or positive, is futile and will keep you stuck. A friend who is experiencing relationship challenges gave me a call. She’s been making herself crazy thinking she should be able to “handle” her feelings
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Categories: Blog and Career Transition.

How Do You Find or Create Your Self Expressed Work?

“Of all the questions I have asked my readers this is the most important: What would you do if you weren’t afraid? When you finally give wings to that answer then you have found your life’s purpose.”   ~  Shannon L. Alder I believe the path to self expressed work that aligns with your life purpose is rooted in what you love.  Here is an example from a story I read recently about a female executive who took a sabbatical from her high powered, high pressure job to create a pergola garden. She wasn’t very far into her sabbatical before she realized she no
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Categories: Blog, Career Transition, Encore Career, Fresh Start, and Life Purpose.

The Two Primary Challenges of Life

“THE TWO PRIMARY challenges of life are to support yourself and to express yourself. When you support yourself you become an adult. When you express yourself you become a person. The ideal, of course, is to combine vocation and avocation, to derive your income from work that you love. In fact, most people seldom try to do this. They get sucked into unsatisfying jobs in order to appease their parents or pay the bills. Once trapped, they never escape—and never become what they might have been. This is why a job promotion can be a curse, and getting fired a
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Categories: Blog, Career Transition, Encore Career, Escaping the Rat Race, and Life Purpose.

What the Heck is a Corporate Rat Anyway?

  “It’s not natural; it’s not right. We weren’t made to be in the rat race. Not even rats were made to be in the rat race.” ~ Tal Ben-Shahar Not too long ago, something funny happened as it often does when one makes an assumption. Someone challenged my assumption about what it is to be a Corporate Rat. He said that no one really understands what a Corporate Rat is. That’s crazy, I thought. Everyone knows what a Corporate Rat is. So I went on a quest to find a definition. To my surprise, it’s not in the dictionary.
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Categories: Blog, Career Transition, and Encore Career.

Take the First Step to Escape the Rat Race

A rat race is a term used for an endless, self-defeating or pointless pursuit. … The rat race is a term often used to describe work, particularly excessive work; in general terms, if one works too much, one is in the rat race. This terminology contains implications that many people see work as a seemingly endless pursuit with little reward or purpose.” ~ Wikipedia Okay, so you have finally poked your nose out of your cubicle and sniffed the winds of change.  And now you stand on the Threshold of a Dream (paws up, Moody Blues fans). A wise-acre –
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Categories: Blog, Career Transition, Encore Career, and Escaping the Rat Race.