Monthly Archives May 2009

Are You Living in Black and White or in Bold, Beautiful Color?

“At the center of Bold Moves are the choices people make every day about how to live their lives – that’s what drives the action.” ~ Cisco Codina A client who has been out of touch for several weeks called me recently. He’s been experiencing a number of trials in his life, one of which is a significant health challenge. He told me he’s been doing some deep soul searching and he needed time on his own to think and reflect. He told me this health challenge is his wake-up call to take stock of where he is in his life and where
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Categories: Blog, Career Transition, and Fresh Start.

Five Steps for Handling Negative Circumstances

“Now that all your worry has proved such an unlucrative business; why not find a better job.” ~ Hafiz Nowadays it seems like a lot of people are telling us that no matter what is going on in our lives, we “should” see it in a positive manner. I don’t agree. Sometimes negative circumstances are just negative circumstances. Resisting “what’s so”, regardless of whether it’s negative or positive, is futile and will keep you stuck. A friend who is experiencing relationship challenges gave me a call. She’s been making herself crazy thinking she should be able to “handle” her feelings
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Categories: Blog and Career Transition.