How Do You Find or Create Your Self Expressed Work?

“Of all the questions I have asked my readers this is the most important: What would you do if you weren’t afraid? When you finally give wings to that answer then you have found your life’s purpose.”   ~  Shannon L. Alder

I believe the path to self expressed work that aligns with your life purpose is rooted in what you love.  Here is an example from a story I read recently about a female executive who took a sabbatical from her high powered, high pressure job to create a pergola garden.

She wasn’t very far into her sabbatical before she realized she no longer wanted to return to the high stress of her job. So she took a bunch of sticky notes and began designing a different future for herself that would allow her to escape the rat race. Her family and friends thought she was crazy, which might actually be a good indicator that she was on the right track.

She learned to hybrid the daylilies she loves. In addition to starting a farm called Springwood Gardens, she’s a speaker who travels around the country talking about her life and her career transition from corporate into her “encore” career.

Do you think she started out knowing she was on her way to creating a fresh start toward an “encore” career? Probably not. But by giving herself permission to do something she loved, she discovered who she is and what she is meant to do in the second act of her life.

Have you been stopped by the idea that you must have all the answers before allowing yourself to create a fresh start? If you have, then maybe it’s time to take another  look.

  • Do you ever dream about doing something other than what you are now doing?
  • Have you put away your dreams because they aren’t “practical”?
  • Do you feel resigned that “this is all there is”?

If you answered yes to any of these questions, then consider dusting off the dreams you’ve given up on and taking a fresh look at them. It’s not only possible, but it’s quite probable that your true calling, life purpose and destiny are hiding in there somewhere, just waiting for you seek them out. You’ll know when you’ve found them, because your passion fuse will ignite and you will be inspired to set your course to design and get started living your encore lifestyle.

Who knows? You may just discover that your Fresh Start is closer than you think!


Dreaming about what a Fresh Start looks like for you? Contact Coach Sue at 949-212-4345 or email to schedule your complimentary “Get Acquainted” Coaching session.