A word is not a crystal, transparent and unchanged, it is the skin of a living thought and may vary greatly in color and content according to the circumstances and the time in which it is used. ~ Oliver Wendell Holmes
Something fascinating happens in language when a new paradigm arises. Think about the lingo that’s cropped up with the advent of social media. A whole new lingo was created so that we had a way to talk about it. Now a whole new lingo appears to be surfacing to give us a way to talk about activities associated with designing Encore Careers, such as these…
- Gig Economy or Gigonomics – where no one has “jobs”. Everyone has “gigs” and everyone hustles.
- Slasher, Slash Career or Career with Slashes – One person cobbling together multiple careers- as in – Construction Worker / Hair Stylist or Police Officer / Landscaper.
- Pro-tirement – Seeing retirement as the opportunity to stay active, engaged and pursue a new or different career that includes Passion, Purpose, and a Paycheck!tm
Are you considering designing an Encore Career? Are you in a field where you may be working or dealing with someone designing an Encore Career? If so, you might want to brush up on your Encore Career lingo.
Are you a woman ready to explore creating a hobby? Or becoming a “Retirepreneur”? Join Coach Sue at 9:00 a.m. on SATURDAY, MAY 19,2012 at the Wine Artist in Lake Forest California to learn more about creating an Encore Career. Email sue@threesquarescoaching.com or call 949-212-4345 for details or to RSVP.