Designing Your Encore Career – Embrace the Zigzags

“The road of life twists and turns and no two directions are ever the same. Yet our lessons come from the journey, not the destination. ~ Don Williams Jr.

A friend reminded me recently that the beginnings of big shifts in our lives are hardly ever momentous. They most often begin with one small action step.

My one small action step this month was to read a book called “The Big Shift” by Marc Freedman. Little did I know that reading it would rekindle the spark that had gone out of my coaching practice and make it burn more brightly than ever. Reading the book helped me to get clear about some things my clients and I are experiencing.

  • A growing number of people, especially baby boomers, want to create  an Encore Career that combine purpose, passion, and a paycheck.
  • They often get stopped because they don’t have access to support and resources to help them bridge the gap from where they are to where they want to go.
  • The path is often murky and filled with twists and turns and requires the willingness to be a trail blazer.

The book offered me an opportunity to clearly trace the zigzag path my own life has taken since leaving the corporate rat race nine years ago. Like many of us, I am not comfortable with zigzags. But the gift I found from following a zigzag path is that nothing much worth doing goes in a straight line. Navigating the twists and turns on the path are part of the process of growing into your Encore Career.

Do you sense that it’s time for you to move on from what you’ve been doing? Do you feel like you are on a lonely path? Does it seem like you’re off course most of the time? If so, I invite you to take one small action step and read “The Big Shift”. It might provide the EXACT impetus you need to act on your dream to design an Encore Career filled with purpose, passion…and yes…a paycheck!


Searching for the answer to creating your Encore Career can be daunting when you are attempting it on your own. Contact Coach Sue at 949-212-4345 or email to schedule your complimentary coaching session to help you begin to powerfully navigate the twists and turns to your next destination