Designing an Encore Career is a Call to Adventure!

You can’t cross the sea merely by standing and staring at the water. ~Ragindranath Tagore

Are you experiencing that signal – you know the one – that feeling of dissatisfaction, discontent or restlessness regarding your job, your relationship, your future, or some other aspect of your life? If so, then listen carefully!  You might be hearing the call to adventure!

A friend recently posted an article link on Facebook that defines the steps one takes when one embarks on the Hero’s Journey. I think my clients will find it amusing that I’m sharing it. They’ve heard me tell them often enough that I believe when they choose to break through the barriers of their self imposed limits they embark on the Hero’s Journey.

I recommend that you print out the steps and write down examples from your own life and journey. As you read the steps and write your examples, ask yourself how the Hero’s Journey applies to your life, especially if you are experiencing a major challenge such as a career transition and you don’t have any idea of what’s next for you.

Doing this exercise will help you identify specific times when you have been the hero of your own life journey without realizing it. It can also help you identify patterns where you get bogged down or stop yourself.

Imagine how it would feel to heed your personal call to adventure and come “home” to yourself…your true, authentic self…in a way that makes YOU the hero of your own adventure story.

What would give you courage, will and desire to finally escape the rat race to design your Encore Career? What would it take for you to give yourself permission to create a life of adventure, passion, and purpose?


What would it be like to become the “hero” of your own life and heed your personal call to adventure? Take the first step today by contacting Coach Sue at 949-212-4345 or emailing to schedule your complimentary “get acquainted” consultation. Our January Jumpstart course is scheduled to begin on January 30th. Register and learn how you can set great goals that really matter!