Change Your Perspective to Remodel Your Career

“The only way to make sense out of change is to plunge into it, move with it, and join the dance.”  ― Alan Wilson Watts

How willing are you to change your perspective about how you work? From now on, your willingness to look at the way you work from a variety of perspectives will determine your level of success, joy, and fulfillment.

In fact, I believe that one day we may cease to call what we do to earn a livelihood “work”. Perhaps we will one day say “I’m off to contribution” or “I’m heading to service”.

It seems Utopian. But maybe it’s simpler than you think if you are willing to change your perspective and entertain the idea that anything is possible. One way to do that is to let go of what you think “work” looks like.

You now get to become an artist of sorts. There is a blank canvas in front of you called the future. You can paint anything you desire on it. What would you do if you could contribute or serve your way?

Based on the book “The Encore Career Handbook” by Marci Alboher, here are a few ways you can change your perspective and begin designing your “Sexy Second Act” career:

  • Think project rather than career
  • Think about what you want to work on for a year or two
  • Think about a series of engaging commitments with a few gaps or breaks for retraining or travel
  • Think about a combination of self-employment, entrepreneurship, and/or activism
  • Think creatively about how you can put several of your talents and gifts together in an interesting way, even if they seem disconnected.

My change of perspective came when I discovered that things evolve as you go along, just like they do when you remodel a house. You’ll see things you thought you wanted that won’t work. You’ll get new ideas that will change your perspective even more and may even lead you in directions you can’t see from the perspective you have now.

No matter where you are in your career right now, it’s never too early or too late to change your perspective about how you will serve or contribute in the future. Start dreaming, researching and taking small steps. That will help you build confidence for when opportunity comes knocking.

The bonus is that you will discover, recover, and free up parts of yourself that have been dormant or hidden. That’s when life gets really sexy! And who doesn’t want more of that?


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