Plan Your Career Transition

“Give me six hours to chop down a tree and I will spend the first four sharpening the axe.” ~ Abraham Lincoln

Many resources say that between 50% and 70% of Americans wish they could make a career transition giving them the freedom to work for themselves. Are you one of them? If you are, part of your strategy from now on must be to plan your career transition.

The unfortunate thing is that whether or not you are aware of it, you ultimately do work for yourself. You may be employed by a company or organization, but ultimately, you work for yourself. You must begin to recognize and take responsibility for the quality of your working life. If it is making you miserable, who else is going to change it?

Step 1 of how to make a career transition was about playing with new ways to work that align with the direction the world is moving and with creating fulfilling and inspiring work.

Step 2 – Planning – may be the lengthiest and most challenging part of your career transition. You have to test your ideas. You may have to tap new resources to help you gain awareness and knowledge you don’t yet have about possible career choices. You may need support to help you think in ways you are not used to thinking to create a career that fits you and makes each day worth living.

Just like a house isn’t built overnight, building your Sexy Second Act may take more time than you think. And just like building a house, you may have to make modifications.

The point is to make it fun. Now is not the time to quit. Keep sharpening your axe. Or your pencil. Or your crayons. Or your focus. You’ll eventually discover a career direction that inspires you to live the great life you are meant to live.


Are you ready to start the planning phase of your career transition? A Behavior Style Profile can help. Contact Coach Sue at 949-212-4345 to learn more or email her at