Coaching Program Toolbox
You need the proper tools to design and build your Sexy Second Act career or life. Our Coaching Program Toolbox contains a variety of programs to help you design and build quickly.
Below is an overview of our programs. Please contact us to learn more or check the events page for our current schedule.

Individual and Group Coaching
It’s said that when you jump the net will appear. But faith requires a bit of preparation. Coaching is about training and preparing you to leap into your Sexy Second Act, Sexy Goal Setting, and keeping your Goals in Motiontm.
Personal Insights Profiles
Understanding your behavior style and what motivates you is a powerful tool to have in your toolbox. You learn to effectively work with your strengths and not against them. You gain ability to interact a variety of people and adjust quickly to gain their support as you design and build your Sexy Second Act.
Sexy Second Act: Laying the Foundation for Designing a Life of Passion, Purpose, and a Paycheck®
Recent years have been like a tornado blasting through our lives, tearing up what we knew and leaving us in chaos. What if this is an opportunity to wake up and design the life you’ve dreamed of but didn’t because you were told it wasn’t practical?
Free Live Masterclass: 5 Simple Strategies for Creating Sexy Goals that Matter
During this live master class, you’ll get an inside look at our Goals in Motiontm: How to Make Goal Setting Sexy Again program. You’ll leave with new strategies for designing Sexy Goals that matter. You know the ones. They are exciting and inspiring goals that you can’t wait to launch and accomplish.
Goals in Motiontm: How to Make Goal Setting Sexy Again!
“Sexy” isn’t generally the first word that comes to mind when it comes to goal setting. Feelings can range from “scary” to “drudgery.” Even if you start out excited, your enthusiasm soon wanes. This course is designed to help you design Big, Juicy Goals that matter and stick to them with passion, ease, and joy
Advanced Course: Manifesting Sexy Goals with Mastery
Prerequisite: Goals in Motiontm: How to Make Goal Setting Sexy Again
This program was requested by our clients who completed the basic course and asked for more. We listened and created this advanced course to give you “power tools” and techniques for skillfully manifesting your Big, Juicy Goals quickly and effortlessly.
Sexy Goals Mastermind Program
Prerequisite: Goals in Motiontm: How to Make Goal Setting Sexy Again
You’re ready! You’ve got your Sexy Goal and now, it’s time to put your “power tools” to work. Manifest your goals quickly through a combination of promised actions, peer support, and accountability.
Sexy Women Mastermind
Women business owners face unique challenges. We often try to do it all without allowing ourselves to be supported. This program is designed for women business owners who are wish to share accomplishments, brainstorm challenges, and develop ideas in a safe, non-judgmental environment.
Individual and Group Coaching
It’s said that when you jump the net will appear. But faith requires a bit of preparation. Coaching is about training and preparing you to leap into your Sexy Second Act, Sexy Goal Setting, and keeping your Goals in Motiontm.
Personal Insights Profiles
Understanding your behavior style and what motivates you is a powerful tool to have in your toolbox. You learn to effectively work with your strengths and not against them. You gain ability to interact a variety of people and adjust quickly to gain their support as you design and build your Sexy Second Act.
Sexy Second Act: Laying the Foundation for Designing a Life of Passion, Purpose, and a Paycheck®
Recent years have been like a tornado blasting through our lives, tearing up what we knew and leaving us in chaos. What if this is an opportunity to wake up and design the life you’ve dreamed of but didn’t because you were told it wasn’t practical?
Free Live Masterclass: 5 Simple Strategies for Creating Sexy Goals that Matter
During this live master class, you’ll get an inside look at our Goals in Motiontm: How to Make Goal Setting Sexy Again program. You’ll leave with new strategies for designing Sexy Goals that matter. You know the ones. They are exciting and inspiring goals that you can’t wait to launch and accomplish.
Goals in Motiontm: How to Make Goal Setting Sexy Again!
“Sexy” isn’t generally the first word that comes to mind when it comes to goal setting. Feelings can range from “scary” to “drudgery.” Even if you start out excited, your enthusiasm soon wanes. This course is designed to help you design Big, Juicy Goals that matter and stick to them with passion, ease, and joy
Advanced Course: Manifesting Sexy Goals with Mastery
Prerequisite: Goals in Motiontm: How to Make Goal Setting Sexy Again
This program was requested by our clients who completed the basic course and asked for more. We listened and created this advanced course to give you “power tools” and techniques for skillfully manifesting your Big, Juicy Goals quickly and effortlessly.
Sexy Goals Mastermind Program
Prerequisite: Goals in Motiontm: How to Make Goal Setting Sexy Again
You’re ready! You’ve got your Sexy Goal and now, it’s time to put your “power tools” to work. Manifest your goals quickly through a combination of promised actions, peer support, and accountability.
Sexy Women Mastermind
Women business owners face unique challenges. We often try to do it all without allowing ourselves to be supported. This program is designed for women business owners who are wish to share accomplishments, brainstorm challenges, and develop ideas in a safe, non-judgmental environment.