Are You Ready for a Vacation? Don’t Let Yourself Take NO for an Answer!

“Every now and then go away, have a little relaxation, for when you come back to your work your judgment will be surer. Go some distance away because then the work appears smaller and more of it can be taken in at a glance and a lack of harmony and proportion is more readily seen.” ~ Leonardo Da Vinci

It may seem funny or weird but we coaches don’t always take our own coaching. For example, I often tell my clients that it’s mandatory to occasionally escape the rat race and relax, rest, and recharge. But when a friend invited me to take a week long road trip vacation to Utah, my first thought was – take a whole week away from my business? Seriously? She MUST be kidding, right?

She wasn’t kidding. And she wasn’t about to take NO for an answer.

Then it dawned on me – I have been so busy building my business that I haven’t I taken an “away-cation” since leaving my corporate job nine years ago. I was LONG overdue for a “time out”!

That change of pace turned out to be the best treat I’ve given myself in a long time. Here are some takeaways from my “away-cation” to think about if you are denying yourself an opportunity to escape the rat race for a little while:

  • Has the pizzazz gone out of the job or business you love? Taking time to relax, play and do something new can restore your enthusiasm.
  • Do you find yourself saying “Same stuff, different day?” Maybe it’s time for a different job that includes Passion, Purpose and a Paycheck®…but in the short term, a vacation that offers experiences and a change of scenery will significantly improve your short term outlook.
  • Lost touch with who you are? Taking time out to journal and meditate on your vacation can help you reconnect to your dreams.
  • Burned out and exhausted? Working without a break is like over-exercising your muscles. A change in routine evenly exercises your whole being for better performance.
  • Lost perspective? Time away to view your life from a different and more objective angle can help you see new solutions, directions, and possibilities

I returned from my “away-cation” refreshed, energized and ready to tackle my business with renewed vigor and joy. Clients and colleagues are noticing.

So do yourself a big favor. Schedule a vacation while there is still some summer left. Start with a short one if you must. And if your brain starts to protest like mine did, invite someone along who will hold you accountable for following through. My guess is you’ll be happy you did.


Have you lost the pizzazz, enthusiasm and joy that you once had? It may be time for a change to an Encore Career that gives you Passion, Purpose, and a Paycheck! ® Contact Coach Sue at 949-212-4345 or email to learn how.