How to Stay Happy on the Path from “Go” to Goal

The person who makes a success of living is the one who sees his goal steadily and aims for it unswervingly. That is dedication.

~ Cecil B. DeMille ~

I love to travel. Seeing new places and meeting people from a variety of backgrounds and cultures is one of my favorite things to do. At the same time, I’d like to skip the whole anxiety-ridden hassle of getting there.

There’s More to Goal Setting than “Getting There”

Sometimes it’s hard to remember that getting there – whether it’s a travel destination or achieving a worthy goal – is a necessary part of the process. There is a destination to reach, and of course you must keep that in mind. But focusing too much on “getting there” can be crazy-making and downright self-defeating.

The journey becomes interesting and fun when you remember to also pay attention to exactly where you are and what you are experiencing right now. Failing to do so may cause you to miss joyful and meaningful moments along the path from “go” to achieving your goal.

It helps when you think with two heads at the same time; one that’s focused on “getting there” and one that’s focused on being right here in the moment. You open yourself up to happiness when you allow yourself to “be here” and let the “getting there” unfold however it does.

Forks in the Road Exist for a Reason

Balancing between where you are and where you want to go opens the door for you to experience delightful and unexpected forks in the road. The outcome may not be exactly what you anticipated when you started out, but it may be just what you need.

Quite often, in fact, one of three things (or all of them!) will happen as you travel the path to achieving Big, Juicy Goals that matter to you:

  • Your goal will morph into something even juicier and more exciting than the one you started with.
  • You will discover someone you didn’t know you had in you, or someone you wanted to be but couldn’t imagine becoming.
  • You’ll have experiences you didn’t expect, but which stretch or enrich you in some way.

The Journey is Spectacular

For nearly five years, I’ve been writing a book that that began as a dare by my Mastermind partners. I can tell you that it’s been a spectacular journey that encompasses all three experiences.

  • The book I started to write is quite different from the book I ended up writing.
  • While I am excited about the book, I’m even more excited at the prospect of soon being able to call myself an “author,” which is the fulfillment of a lifelong dream I never expected to actually accomplish
  • The support, feedback, and kick-ass accountability I’ve had from friends and colleagues has been humbling, touching, and unexpected.

My journey isn’t over yet, but I can see the finish line. It feels a bit like I imagine a marathon runner must feel. There have been times when I didn’t feel up to the challenge, but as the finish line approaches, I feel a new burst of energy and excitement! I can taste victory ahead!

Miracles Happen When You Accept the Challenge

And so will you when you give yourself permission to go after your dreams and goals. Your path may seem daunting, insurmountable, and far away in the beginning. You may not feel like you are up to the challenge.

But you are! When you have a dream that comes from your heart, you will cultivate the courage, strength and support you need to get there. Face the challenge! Get ready for a spectacular journey that includes mind-blowing miracles, side trips, and adventures that will one day make your life worth looking back on with pride, wonderment, and joy!

Want to learn more great strategies for joyful goal setting? Join me Thursday, January 14th at 6:00 p.m. PST for my complimentary Introducing January Jumpstart: Nailing Goals that Matter teleclass. After you register, I’ll email you a powerful “success-ercise” you can use to help you design Big, Juicy Goals that matter to you.

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