Archives for vision

Want to Design a Bad-Ass Destiny?

But how will I know it’s my destiny? Like love it will possess you … You Can’t Help But Know ~ Gail Tsukiyama In my last post, I shared why I believe creating a vision is so dang hard. Here are a few ideas about how to let those thoughts go so you can focus on creating your bad-ass destiny. Begin with where you put your focus.  Putting attention on where “can”, “will”, and “possible” thinking can take you. 1)  “Can” thinking gives you the power to dream again. Yield to the power of dreaming with no filters or limitations. Play freely
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Categories: Blog, Dreams, Goals, and Home Page Recent Posts.

Why is Visioning So Dang Hard?

“Dissatisfaction and discouragement are not caused by the absence of things but the absence of vision” – Anonymous Visioning a sexy-cool-bad-ass-off-the-charts-amazing second act life or career seems simple enough. Why then does it end up being so dang hard? Coaching and coaxing clients to design a vision for a Sexy Second Act career or life they can’t wait to get started living is a challenge. Sometimes it feels like I’m trying to pull an elephant’s tooth with a pair of tweezers. I know what you’re thinking. Tweezers are the wrong tool for pulling an elephant’s tooth. You’re right. And just
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Categories: Blog, Dreams, Encore Career, Home Page Recent Posts, and Sexy Second Act.

Staying True to the Power of a Dream

Being on a tightrope is living; everything else is waiting. ~ Karl Wallenda Did you watch? Were you transfixed as Nik Wallenda walked across Niagra Falls on a tightrope with almost nothing between him and catastrophe but his faith in the power of a dream? Everything I believe in when it comes to staying true to the power of a dream was right there. He had a vision that came from his heart He had a purpose and a passion He was WILLING to take risks and overcome whatever obstacles got in his way His vision kept him strong and focused
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Categories: Blog, Encore Career, and Home Page Recent Posts.

How Do You “Entrepreneur” the Future?

The secret to a resilient life in our kind of world is in knowing how to recycle yourself, over and over, letting go of what is no longer you, taking on new strengths, and shaping new chapters for your life, guided by your own emerging vision. ~ from the book “Life Launch: A Passionate Guide to the Rest of Your Life” We picked up a new phrase from reading a book called Life Launch: A Passionate Guide to the Rest of Your Life. The phrase is “Entrepreneuring the Future”. It seems to be the PERFECT phrase for what Protiring is
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Categories: Blog, Career Transition, Encore Career, and Protirement.

Mastering the Art of Letting Go

There are things that we never want to let go of, people we never want to leave behind. But keep in mind that letting go isn’t the end of the world, it’s the beginning of a new life. ~ Anonymous One extremely challenging part of creating a Fresh Start is mastering the art of letting go.The challenge is to recognize or understand what we are hanging onto and most people don’t take time to get clarity about it. It SEEMS easier to hang onto the familiar than facing the uncertainty of letting go. And so we stay “stuck” in unworkable careers, relationships, and bad
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Categories: Blog, Career Transition, Encore Career, Escaping the Rat Race, and Fresh Start.

How to Make Your New Year “Trippy”

Just when Christmas is over and all you want to do is kick back and relax, how many of you are experiencing pressure to create New Year’s Resolutions?  How many of you are resisting the idea altogether? Either way, the process (as we usually go through it) doesn’t seem very appealing or creative, does it? At best, it seems like work and at worst, it seems like a sure path to failure. I don’t know about you, but I’m not interested in deliberately setting myself up to fail. According to Wikipedia, a New Year’s Resolution is “a commitment that an
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Categories: Blog, Escaping the Rat Race, Fresh Start, and Jump Start Your Goals.

How Can One Small Flutter Kick Off a Vision?

Great things are done by a series of small things brought together.~Vincent Van Gogh A couple of weeks ago, I attended the annual Business Networking International Conference in Long Beach, California. Founder Dr. Ivan Misner gave one of the keynote talks. At one point, he talked about the Butterfly Effect – how small actions in one place can lead to larger actions (or unpredictable results) in another place. He used an example from his own life to describe how a series of seemingly random events, starting with doing a favor for a friend, led him to be sitting in a
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Categories: Blog, Encore Career, Escaping the Rat Race, and Life Purpose.